One of the biggest inspirations for creating the Samurai Tech Academy came from conversations we had with business owners at the Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI) this past winter. “Where can I find good techs to hire?” was the almost universal question being asked. Some companies were turning potential customers away because they simply didn’t have the manpower to handle them.
Here’s an interesting statistic about the appliance repair trade: the average multi-tech service company goes through 4 to 5 new hires before they find one that has the qualities needed. After all, the technician is the one right on the front lines. If he doesn’t have the personal and technical skills to do the job, then you would have been better off turning the customer away than sending an inadequate tech.
Many companies are coming to the realization that they may have to stop looking for a good tech to hire, and instead make a good tech out of a promising candidate. The question then becomes how to train that person. What you need is an easy, effective, cost-efficient way to train techs.
This is the mission of Master Samurai Tech and our newest, most powerful resource: The Samurai Tech Academy. The STA is an online school that trains techs in everything from basics of electricity, gas, and troubleshooting to refrigerator repair and customer relations. Finally, here’s a cost-effective way to increase the skill level of your existing techs and to get new hires trained as quickly as possible.
And because it's online, it's much more efficient than the old-fashioned way of training techs, such as sending them to a training facility or hiring trainers to come to yours. Novice techs can spend part of their day studying, then part of their day running service calls with experienced techs so they can immediately begin applying what they are learning and thus get up-to-speed more quickly. You, as the employer, can log in and check on their progress whenever you want.
Having well-trained, professional techs is critical for a repair business to thrive: you need techs that you can rely on to get the job done right and be good representatives of your company to the customer.
The Internet has become a great venue for education and now the Samurai Tech Academy has brought appliance repair training into the modern age. With courses already out – Fundamentals of Appliance Repair, Customer Relations, and Refrigeration Troubleshooting and Repair – and more coming in the near future, the STA is a trove of knowledge for your techs and a lifesaver for your company.