As an employer or multi-technician operator who services many customers, you want to have your employees be great ambassadors of your brand and enhance the customer experience. The Professional Development for Appliance Repair Technicians training course is designed to boost those critical soft skills for your current employees and new hires alike.
Our technical training courses are also a must-do for any serious appliance repair professional. The Fundamentals of Appliance Repair and Refrigerator Troubleshooting and Repair training courses can be taken by your techs 'as is' to hone their skills and wow your customers.
Note: Taking our courses is a very personalized experience for each student, so each technician needs his or her own enrollment in each course. For online training to be effective, students need to work at their own pace and be encouraged to repeat lessons and videos as needed. The goal is mastery of the material, after all! And each tech comes to their training with their own unique mix of strengths, weaknesses, and experience.
Additionally, for companies who wish to have their own particular way of doing things integrated with the curriculum, we offer “private labeling” and customization of online coursework. Your customized training courses will help your employees build their knowledge base with the exact knowledge base you want them to have.
Similarly we can customize courses for manufacturers. As a manufacturer you’re proud of your brand and your specialized training. Talk to us about how we can help you migrate that training online in a streamlined way.
Please call Scott, the Original Master Samurai Tech so we can learn your needs, and to start to create your custom program: 603-290-5516.