Reply To: Midterm Exam for Fundamentals of Appliance Repair #8

Home Ask the Teacher Forums Fundamentals Midterm Exam for Fundamentals of Appliance Repair #8 Reply To: Midterm Exam for Fundamentals of Appliance Repair #8

Susan Brown

    Hi Braxton,

    Thanks for posting a question!

    The first step is to figure out how the loads are laid out in relation to each other. In other words, are they in parallel? in series? Most importantly, are all of them receiving current, or are any of them shunted?

    The best way to do this is to look at each load and determine how they are connecting to Line and N. We recommend that “Zen trick” that we show in Unit 5. If a load can “reach” L1 and N without having to go through another load, then it is by itself in a circuit that is parallel to other loads.

    (Remember – it is actually electrons doing the moving in a circuit, but if you pretend you are the load and reach out to touch L1 and N, it helps to see the path electrons will take.)

    Let me know what you are able to determine about the layout of the loads by trying this.