Reply To: Module 3 ,Unit 7, Unit of Electrical Measurment, Question #20.

Home Ask the Teacher Forums Fundamentals Module 3 ,Unit 7, Unit of Electrical Measurment, Question #20. Reply To: Module 3 ,Unit 7, Unit of Electrical Measurment, Question #20.

Sam Brown

    Hi Gabe,

    Don’t worry, you’re not missing the concept! You’re right that 4 Mega-watts is 4,000,000 watts. But it would have been too easy if we had just given that as one of the answers to this question.

    Because we have all these different prefixes (Giga, Mega, kilo, Milli, etc.), the same amount of watts can be expressed a lot of different ways. For example, 300 watts could be called 300,000 Milli-watts, or 0.3 kilo-watts, or 300,000,000 Micro-watts, and so on.

    Try converting each of the answers we provided into regular old watts (with no prefix) and see which one equals 4,000,000 watts.