Reply To: Midterm Exam for Fundamentals of Appliance Repair #8

Home Ask the Teacher Forums Fundamentals Midterm Exam for Fundamentals of Appliance Repair #8 Reply To: Midterm Exam for Fundamentals of Appliance Repair #8

Susan Brown

    [answer hidden]

    2. Look in Unit 8 for what creates voltage drop. Write back with that definition.

    3. Loads in series means that an electron that travels through one load on its journey between Line and N (or L1 and L2) MUST go through each load – there is no other way to get to L and N without going through them.

    This is what the “zen trick” is all about. Rewatch that video in Unit 5 and see if you still think the ignitor, booster, and safety are in series or in parallel.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Susan Brown. Reason: hid answer